until Trump is deposed
on January 20, 2029
Charities of the Month
Show them some love!
New Door Ventures helps at-risk youth get ready for work and life. Through real opportunities to work and learn, we provide assistance to young people ages 16-21 who need support in making the increasingly difficult transition to adulthood. We provide youth with the meaningful jobs and training that they need to succeed in the workplace, and the personal support they need for the rest of life. We offer a comprehensive approach to helping youth succeed through: jobs, job readiness, supportive community.
Established in 1996, the mission of Gift of Adoption is to provide grants to complete the adoptions of vulnerable children-giving them permanent families and a chance to thrive.
Center on Halsted advances community and secures the health and well-being of the LGBTQ people of Chicagoland and throughout the Midwest. Though Center on Halsted's building opened in 2007, our history goes back much further. We were known as Horizons Community Services, the Midwest's largest LGBTQ social service agency. We are proud of our legacy of advocacy, support, and educational services—the same services that helped form the core of Center on Halsted's programming.
Georgia Asylum and Immigration Network (GAIN) is a 501(c)(3) organization that protects and empowers immigrant survivors of crime and persecution, including asylum-seekers and immigrant survivors of human trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual abuse. Our staff attorneys, paralegals, and navigators provide direct service to our clients while also building a volunteer force of attorneys, whom we recruit, train, and mentor. Through direct representation as well as our pro bono program which multiplies our impact, GAIN assists over 1,000 clients and family members each year.